Jack, 12-15 Months

We have been having so much fun the past few months with Jack! He is becoming such a little boy and I want to get down a few things before I forget them or my "notes" get deleted from my phone. Happy 15 months, Jack!

You love to sing and your favorite song is Pat-a-cake. It is so cute to see you "roll em up, roll em up". You also like to dance and your signature move is to turn in circles. You love to watch Bubble Guppies and dance to their music.

You are fearless and love to climb. You have a slide in the living room that keeps you pretty occupied, but unfortunately I think it has given you the confidence to try to climb other things. We have a built in rod, that I guess is for wash cloths, in your bath tub with a ledge underneath it . You keep trying to climb it. Good thing I'm always right there to discourage it. Little monkey. Speaking of baths, you love bath time. Your latest thing is to lay on your stomach and play with the toys and sometimes dip your face in the water.


Playing has become a lot more interactive lately and I love to watch you sit down and entertain yourself. You like to read books to yourself and climb in and out of baskets or boxes. You love to take clothes out of your laundry basket (or the pile of clothes in your closet that don't fit and I still haven't bought a bin for) and walk around with them trying to put them on. You love hats! You will walk around taking it on and off your head and love to put it on my head or daddy's head and take it on and off. You could do that for hours. It's not limited to hats, you'll put anything on your head that will fit--bowls, buckets, etc. You also love shoes and are always bringing me your shoes to put on. You've also started trying to put on our shoes. You have started giving high fives. It is adorable.

You also love to open and close doors. You have almost figured out how to get doors open yourself. We'll be in trouble when you do! When we walk through the neighborhood, we have to stop at the pedestrian gates to let you play with them. You walk around and raise up your shirt to show off your belly. It's so funny! You love to be outside and frequently walk to the back door and demand to go out. You LOVE Nuts! He makes you laugh and laugh. He has started warming up to you, but mostly wants to be left alone.


There a few words that you can say. Your first official word was hot. You say it when you step onto hot cement and when I put food on your high chair tray. You can say momma and dada, but rarely say them. You also say uh oh and ouch. We are working on animal sounds and you are getting better and will sometimes do moo, ruff ruff, and whoo whoo and even say owl every once in a while. I don't think you really know what you are saying when you say it, but I'm counting it. :)

You have started taking our hands and pulling us toward whatever it is that you want. Usually food! You love to eat! I'm not sure where it all goes, because you are definitely small. Fruit is probably your favorite thing, along with cheese and turkey (deli meat). You have started going to the freezer door and begging for popsicles. You have 8 teeth and the last couple have really been hard on you. 



Jack, your daddy and I love you to pieces. You bring us so much joy! We both ran out of space on our phones, because we had too many pictures and videos of you. I backed them all up to my computer and we spent time looking back over them. We can't believe how quickly time is going! I can't wait to see what you learn in the next few months!


Stats: will update after 15 month appt.
Clothes: mostly 6-12 months

Get ready for a picture overload!






















Baby Yoga!


You have just read the article entitled Jack, 12-15 Months. Please read the article from The Sweet Simplicity About https://the-sweet-simplicity.blogspot.com/2013/10/jack-12-15-months.html


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